Biotechnology industry

  • Early bio-technology innovation is a growth industry
  • Investment strategies often driven to strategic purchase
  • Medical oversight often focused on the early development then growth and regulatory paths
  • Early acquisition not often best financially

Current advisory landscape

  • Typical scientific advisory panels empowered to adjust strategy but not empowered to innovate
  • Often the panel is not committed to the company as their involvement is supportive
  • Investor loyalty is driven to financial reward not innovation


IVP rethinks the SAB role

Innovative Vascular Partners Consulting seeks to change the interaction with early/start-up companies to “partner” through equity the development of technology through initial conception, innovation and FIM experience through to regulatory paths and “reimbursement” for initial adoption and ultimately strategic sale


Value Proposition

Value proposition is through equity the IVP consulting group is equally vested in success of the company

Each member of the IVP consulting group has expertise in the various aspects of the development and regulatory growth/paths of startup inception through to strategic acquisition that in total the group can provide complete support in all aspects of business development and device innovation

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